Quality, Safety and Environment Policy
Quality Policy
The management of Cilia Italia has decided to design and operate an internal “Quality Management System” in line with the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
Cilia Italia has been operating in the public and urban transport sectors for many years. Thus, this decision signifies the intent to provide a high-quality service to achieve continuous and total customer satisfaction, while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of its organizational structure.
The quality management system of Cilia Italia is described in the relevant quality manual and the attached documentation, specifying the criteria adopted for conducting activities from the acceptance phase of requests to the completion of the transport service.
The company’s quality management system reflects the quality policy that the management intends to pursue, based on the following fundamental principles:
- Quality as excellence in results and organizational efficiency;
- Constant improvement of the service quality standard provided;
- Quality as a responsibility of all, management, and operational staff;
- Prioritization of the quality needs of the service provided over all others;
- Responsibility of the staff in ensuring the quality of the work carried out within their function;
- Dissemination of the quality policy to all personnel.
Cilia Italia has prepared a quality assurance system for the customer by:
- Adoption of written procedures that regulate the main activities;
- Verification of the adequacy and correct execution of activities;
- Measurement of the efficiency of the quality management system;
- Availability of objective evidence of compliance with said system and the conformity of services to the required quality requirements through adequate registration documentation.
Environmental Policy
The Company has defined and documented the Environmental Policy, suitable for its nature and size and the environmental impacts of its activities, especially the type of service performed.
The Environmental Policy defines and documents the company’s commitment:
- To comply with all legislative and regulatory prescriptions and conformity to every other environmental requirement signed by the organization;
- To continuous improvement of environmental performance;
- To pollution prevention;
- To the limitation of acoustic emissions;
The Environmental Policy is disseminated to all internal personnel; its contents are explained during training activities; it is also made available to the external public in a comprehensible, clear, and simple form.
The contents of the Environmental Policy are consistent with those of other operational corporate policies and strategies of Cilia Italia, such as the Quality Policy and the health and safety policy.
The Environmental Policy is considered valid until a new issuance and is analyzed by the Management in the review meeting in light of the results of internal audits and other managerial and operational changes.
The commitments that Cilia Italia assumes in the environmental policy are:
- Compliance with legislation and regulations on environmental matters (water, soil, air, waste, etc.);
- Establishment of Environmental objectives and targets to be periodically reviewed;
- Implementation of a pollution prevention system consistent with the nature and dimensions of the environmental impacts related to the activities performed, especially in the implementation phase of new work processes;
- Clear commitments to achieving continuous improvement of environmental performance with particular attention to waste reduction, consumption of resources and energy, pollutant emissions into the atmosphere, into surface and underground water bodies, and noise inside and outside;
- Establishing open dialogue with Public Authorities and local communities to understand the real environmental impacts of company activities;
- Raising environmental awareness among all company personnel and encouraging a sense of responsibility towards the environment by operators in their respective areas of competence;
- Making this policy known to all personnel by posting on the notice board and making it available to the public;
- Compliance with all legislative and regulatory prescriptions and conformity to every other environmental requirement signed by the organization.
The operational detail regarding the application of the Environmental Policy is formalized by the Administrator; for each principle stated in the documents, he develops the following points:
- Definition of the intervention area (purchases, warehouse, commercial);
- Definition of objectives to be achieved, specifying the result indicator, the current value, and the value to be achieved;
- Definition of execution responsibilities for each specific intervention;
- Definition of resources (human, technological, and financial) to be made available;
- Definition of implementation times.
Workplace Safety Management Policy
With the introduction of the UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 Management System and considering the protection of workers’ health and safety as an essential objective to be achieved and continuously improved, the Company Management defines the following principles of the safety policy it intends to achieve:
- Act in compliance with all laws and regulations, adopting all necessary prevention measures to safeguard the health and safety of workers;
- Provide full cooperation to local communities and competent bodies, ensuring complete transparency in external information and communication;
- Implement consultation and participation of workers, also through their representatives, and interested parties, particularly subcontractors, in all health and safety at work sectors;
- Require all employees, each within their respective duties and competences, to operate taking care of their own health and safety and that of other involved persons;
- Involve third-party companies operating for the Company, to share the same criteria for health and safety protection defined in this policy.
To pursue these objectives, the Company Management commits to:
- Use specialist advice from consultants, particularly the RSPP and the Competent Doctor, to periodically monitor the application of laws and regulations, integrating them with systematic evaluations made by supervisors, to limit the risk of events and reports/penalties by supervisory bodies;
- Periodically examine the Safety Management System (procedures, instructions, etc.), revising it following new legislative obligations or analysis of accident events and not, with the aim of providing all employees with constantly updated information and control tools to prevent events;
- Promote information and training for all personnel on health and safety in relation to the characteristics of the workplaces, their activities, and this policy, with the aim of involving them in prevention and safeguarding their health and safety and others;
- Adopt evaluation criteria of the organization that intervene on health and safety requirements, namely the organization’s ability to constantly self-assess, applying prevention requirements.
Road Safety Management Policy
Cilia Italia Srl is aware that the continuous improvement of its performances in terms of Road Safety brings significant benefits to all interested parties, satisfying expectations of improvement related to the context in which the company operates.
Cilia Italia Srl has therefore implemented the Road Traffic Safety Management System (RTS) so that its organization, interacting with the road traffic system, can reduce deaths and serious injuries due to road accidents (accidents); it has identified the resources and the related methods for the implementation, application, and maintenance of the System, assigning adequate means for the purpose.
The Senior Management of Cilia Italia Srl commits to pursuing a policy of continuous improvement of its Road Safety performances, promoting prevention and minimizing, where technically possible and economically sustainable, the risk of road accidents.
Cilia Italia Srl makes this document known, disseminates it to interested parties, and commits to ensuring that:
- an effective Road Traffic Safety Management System is implemented and maintained active according to the requirements of the ISO 39001 standard;
- there is continuous search for improvement of the Road Traffic Safety Management System performances and orientation towards prevention;
- ensure that its activity is carried out in compliance with current legal and regulatory provisions (local, national, and community);
- provide a reference framework for analyzing and reviewing the achieved and future goals;
- ensure adequate training for its workers to increase and maintain high attention on Road Safety;
- every effort is made in terms of organizational, operational, and technological terms, and there is maximum involvement of interested parties to prevent road accidents;
- objectives related to Road Safety are disseminated within the company to encourage the involvement of personnel;
- measures are adopted to discourage certain dangerous behaviors.
The Senior Management of Cilia Italia Srl is convinced that Road Safety is achieved with the collaboration and involvement of all personnel; the commitment required of all employees and collaborators materializes in a complete and systematic monitoring of all company activities that influence Road Safety.
Verified by AD/CSG: Andrea Buonomini
Approved by DL: Francois Mazza